Jason at The Wild Hunt Blog (here) has posted a wonderful story about a rare strain of apples that are apparently indigenous to an island off Wales known as the possible location of the mystical Isle of Apples...
The apples and trees are free of disease, which is apparently rare for wild grown apples in Wales. The grower has started grafting from the mother tree. There is a 2-year wait for saplings in the UK, and apparently there will be grafted stock available in North America at some point! Oh, so exciting.
More information on the Bardsey apple website and a related news story.
I wonder if the claim Glastonbury holds upon magical apples will now be in question? I have visited there many times and the old apple orchards at the base of the Tor are, in my opinon, just about the most magical location in an area lousy with magical locations. But Glastonbury's hold on all legends Arthurian lacks the Welsh cache of Ynys Enlli.
We are planning to order two trees from Trees of Antiquity, an heirloom apple farm, for planting in spring. It would be lovely to be able to add this variety at some point, or maybe get some for the Brushwood Folklore Center which has its share of wild apple trees indigenous to western New York.
Image: Arthur Rackham's "Apple Maiden"